Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Possible Blog Posts for the Apology

1. Describe your previous experiences with reading the Apology.
2. Do you approach the Apology differently  in the context of a graduate seminar, if so how?
3.  Describe Socrates' self -presentation.
4. How does Socrates describe his relationship with the city?
5.  How does Socrates describe his relationship with god/the gods?
6.  How would you describe the public role of the philosopher based on this dialogue?
7.  What is the overall purpose of the refutation of Meletus?
8. Is  Socrates a sympathetic character?
9.  Do you have a favorite argument in the Apology?
10. What are Socrates' views about death?
11. Do what extent do you model yourself after Socrates? qua budding professional philosopher?  qua  student of  philosophy/  qua  teacher of  philosophy.
12.  What does Socrates know  that the poets, craftsmen, and politicians do not?

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